Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Huntington First Church of the Nazarene's Student Ministry exists to connect students to Christ and help them know Him more.

Pray for and Support
our trip to 
Cactus, Texas
June 7 - 14, 2025

Coming Attractions!

Join Us As We Celebrate the Journey!
May 2, 2025
5PM - 8PM
We will leave the morning of May 8 and be back the evening of May 10.
What should I pack?
We recommend the following:
* Two outfits per day
* Pajamas
* Pillow and bedding for a twin-sized bed
* Shower towel, washcloth, hand towel, shower shoes
* Toiletries - shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothbrush/paste, sunscreen, meds, etc
* Swimsuit/towel
* Sturdy walking shoes and socks
(students must have these if they want to do the rock wall.)
* Phone Charger
* Refillable water bottle
* Drawstring Bag
* Any items needed for competition
(shin guards, knee pads, art work, instrument, sheet music, etc)
Optional Items:
* Poncho/umbrella
* Garbage bag for dirty clothes
* Snacks

Artwork drop off is in the Perry Center - Room 222
Creative Writing and Video Editing drop off is in Larsen Fine Arts Center Lounge

You will receive a District T-Shirt to wear on Saturday.

Sunday Evening Youth Group

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

We have programs and activities for 6-12th grade on Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30pm during the school year.  Our students are a wild and crazy bunch that love to have fun.  Some of our students know Him well, some are just learning, but all of them are finding out that Jesus is the King!  Come be a part of this ministry!

Sunday Mornings

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Youth Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Refinery on the second floor. All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to attend. Chris Rakoczy is our Middle School teacher, and Connor Morton teaches our High School students. Hope to see all our students on Sunday morning!


Roman Schwarz

Pastor of Student Ministries

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.