Check out what's happening at HNAZ
Palm Sunday Baptism Service
April 13, 2025
We are celebrating baptisms this year on Palm Sunday. As we enter into Holy Week, we will celebrate new life together in Christ. If you are interested in being baptized during this service, click on the link below.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday - April 13 - 10:30am
Join us for a special Baptism Service
Good Friday - April 18 - Noon
We will have a poignant
Good Friday Service at Noon
Easter! - April 20 - 10:30am
Up From The Grave He Arose!
Celebrate the Risen Christ Jesus
with us at 10:30am!
Join us for a special Baptism Service
Good Friday - April 18 - Noon
We will have a poignant
Good Friday Service at Noon
Easter! - April 20 - 10:30am
Up From The Grave He Arose!
Celebrate the Risen Christ Jesus
with us at 10:30am!
Crisis Care Kits
April 6, 2025
We are in the process right now of collecting Crisis Care Kits! Crisis Care Kits are sent in response to disasters and crises in the United States and countries around the world. You can pick up Crisis Care Kit instructions at either Touch Point Center. Simply follow the directions, and bring them back by next Sunday, April 6!
HNAZ Sports Ministry
Pickleball on Sunday Nights
Sunday Night Pickleball meets on Sundays at
6:30pm in the gym. Come enjoy the game and new friends!
6:30pm in the gym. Come enjoy the game and new friends!
Women's Kickboxing on Tuesday Nights
We will take Tuesday, April 1, off for Spring Break. Then we have extended this through the rest of April! All women are invited to join us in the gym on Tuesday evenings for kickboxing from 6:30-7:00pm.
Volleyball on Wednesday Nights
Join us Wednesday evenings for Volleyball
in the gym! Ages include 16 and up.
Come to the HNAZ gym at Door 10 from 6:30-8:30pm.
in the gym! Ages include 16 and up.
Come to the HNAZ gym at Door 10 from 6:30-8:30pm.
HNAZ Students
Celebrate Life
Olivet Nazarene University
May 8 - 10
We will leave the morning of May 8
and be back the evening of May 10
For more information, visit the HNaz Student Page or BAND for the link to register and details about packing.
and be back the evening of May 10
For more information, visit the HNaz Student Page or BAND for the link to register and details about packing.
Youth Group on Sundays
Come out Sundays at 5:00-6:45 PM for our Youth Ministry nights of the Fall. Get to know your small groups, play some really fun games, eat good food,
and don't forget to bring a friend! Please use the Door 10 Youth Entrance.
and don't forget to bring a friend! Please use the Door 10 Youth Entrance.
Sunday Mornings at 9:30
Youth Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Refinery on the second floor. All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to attend. Chris Rakoczy is our Middle School teacher, and Connor Morton teaches our High School students. Hope to see all our students on Sunday morning!
HNAZ Family
The Final Road Trip
Do you want to teach your kids why and how to observe Lent? Let us help!
Use the HNAZ Kids Page Link above to find a fun and free resource for you and your family! We pray this Lenten season is your family's best one yet!
Use the HNAZ Kids Page Link above to find a fun and free resource for you and your family! We pray this Lenten season is your family's best one yet!
HNAZ Women
Card Ministry
Join our Card Writing Ministry on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9:30 in the Hospitality Room. We hope you'll consider being part of this encouraging ministry.
Women's Kickboxing Class
Continuing April 8, 15, 22, and 29
Good News! After we take Tuesday, April 1, off for Spring Break, we will be extending kickboxing
through the end of April!
Join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm for Kickboxing Class in the gym. You do not have to be fit or an expert. This class is designed for all levels. Let's get excited about exercising and having fun!
through the end of April!
Join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm for Kickboxing Class in the gym. You do not have to be fit or an expert. This class is designed for all levels. Let's get excited about exercising and having fun!
April 5, 2025, 9am
On April 5 at 9am, fifteen (15) men from HNaz are heading to the NEI NDI Men's breakfast at Shiloh.
Please continue to pray for God's leading in our Men's group. Please pray for safe travels and a renewing Spirit during this breakfast.
Please continue to pray for God's leading in our Men's group. Please pray for safe travels and a renewing Spirit during this breakfast.
HNAZ PrimeTime
Bible Study
Adult Bible Study meets every
Wednesday at 4pm in room 123. Everyone is welcome.
Please enter through Door #10.
Wednesday at 4pm in room 123. Everyone is welcome.
Please enter through Door #10.
On The Road Again!
Stay Tuned for our Next Adventure!
Children's Worship Hour
Regular kids' worship hour begins at 10:15am on Sundays
Children ages 1-2 meet in room 113 for Toddler Worship.
Children ages 3-grade K meet in room 103 for Preschool Praise Worship Hour. (Must be fully potty-trained)
Children grades 1-5 meet upstairs for Kids Worship.
Children ages 1-2 meet in room 113 for Toddler Worship.
Children ages 3-grade K meet in room 103 for Preschool Praise Worship Hour. (Must be fully potty-trained)
Children grades 1-5 meet upstairs for Kids Worship.
Kids Bible Quizzing
Bible Quizzing meets every Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 in room 206. Quizzing is open to all students in elementary school. We hope you'll plan to have your child take part. It's a fantastic experience!
Children's Ministry Check-In Reminder
Children will no longer be checked in at the TouchPoint Centers. Parents should check in at their child's designated worship area.
Infants & Toddlers - Rooms 111 & 113
Ages 3-K - Preschool Praise - Room 103
Grades 1-5 - Kids Church - 2nd Floor
Infants & Toddlers - Rooms 111 & 113
Ages 3-K - Preschool Praise - Room 103
Grades 1-5 - Kids Church - 2nd Floor
Vacation Bible School 2025
True North!
It's Time to REGISTER!
It's time to sign up to register for Vacation Bible School!
Please click the link below
to register for VBS.
See you there!
Please click the link below
to register for VBS.
See you there!
Vacation Bible School 2025
True North!
June 2-5, 6pm-8:20pm
It's time to sign up to volunteer for Vacation Bible School!
Please click the link below to sign up to help with VBS.
There is a job for everyone!
This is one of our biggest evangelical opportunities, so let's volunteer to bless our community!
See you there!
Please click the link below to sign up to help with VBS.
There is a job for everyone!
This is one of our biggest evangelical opportunities, so let's volunteer to bless our community!
See you there!
HNAZ Missions
What is Nazarene Missions About?
Our MISSION is to make Christlike disciples in the nations. Our PURPOSE of Missions is to pioneer, develop and resource local, interdependent and sustainable Nazarene churches. Our METHOD of Missions is compassion, evangelism and education.
3 Ways to Give:
Use our simple online giving platform available here on our website, or through our HNAZ Mobile app. The HNAZ Mobile app is a free download available in the app store.
Offering Boxes
There are several offering boxes located throughout the sanctuary for you to drop your offering as you enter or exit the sanctuary. There is also a secure drop box located at the Church Office entrance (Door #1) that you can drop off your donation after hours.
You may mail your donation to the church office.
Huntington First Church of the Nazarene
1555 Flaxmill Rd
Huntington, IN 46750
Huntington First Church of the Nazarene
1555 Flaxmill Rd
Huntington, IN 46750