What's Happening In Men's Ministry....

We have continual service opportunities as well as Men's Scripture study groups coming shortly. If you'd like to get involved, contact Pastor Tyler at tgates@hnaz.org or Sean McKinney at xsubman704@comcast.net.

Pray, Prepare, and Plan

Let us join together in prayer for the HNaz Men's Ministry and meditate on the following:
Who do we say God is?  Who does God say He is?  Mathew 16:13-16; Mark 8:27-29; Luke 9:18-24
"Do you believe I am able to do this?"  Matthew 9:28
"What do you want me to do for you?"  Matthew 20:32; Mark 10:51
"For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves?"  Luke 22:46
"Have I not chosen you?"  John 6:70
"Do you understand what I have done for you?" John 13:12
"If you love Me, feed my sheep."  John 21:17
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Let us prepare for a new season, by studying God's word and by reading good advice from Godly men.

Don't Give The Enemy a Seat at Your Table
Louie Gigilo
Cancel the lies that will wreck your life and take the empowering steps to live fully alive in Christ.

Sun Stand Still
Steven Furtick
Joshua asked God to keep the sun from setting during battle and God answered.
God is waiting for you to ask HIm for the impossible.

Wild At Heart
John Eldredge
Be the man God created you to be.
Make your checks out to HNAZ.  Drop them off to Vonna in the office or in an offering box.  Be sure they are marked as NEI Men's Breakfast.

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