HNAZ Kids exists to lovingly guide children into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. HNAZ Kids is a great way to be involved with teaching the love of Jesus to your kids, and to see what your kids experience each week at church!

HNaz Families!
Do you want to teach your kids why and how to observe Lent
(which begins on March 5th)?
Do you want to make this season rich and meaningful for your whole family?
Let us help!
We have put together a free resource for you,
available at the touchpoint centers and in the children's area
these next 2 Sundays before Ash Wednesday.
Take your family on a meaningful journey through Lent with The Final Road Trip!
This packet includes a one-page printable map that will guide your kids and family
as you follow Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem.
Over the 40 days of Lent, read a short Bible passage together that highlights
His teachings, miracles, parables, and powerful moments leading up to the cross.
This resource is also interactive!
It includes a small laminated Jesus magnet for your kids to move along the map daily.
Hang the map on your fridge and watch as Jesus makes His way to Jerusalem,
leading up to the joy of His resurrection!
Other freebies will be included as well!
We pray this Lenten season is your family's best one yet!
(which begins on March 5th)?
Do you want to make this season rich and meaningful for your whole family?
Let us help!
We have put together a free resource for you,
available at the touchpoint centers and in the children's area
these next 2 Sundays before Ash Wednesday.
Take your family on a meaningful journey through Lent with The Final Road Trip!
This packet includes a one-page printable map that will guide your kids and family
as you follow Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem.
Over the 40 days of Lent, read a short Bible passage together that highlights
His teachings, miracles, parables, and powerful moments leading up to the cross.
This resource is also interactive!
It includes a small laminated Jesus magnet for your kids to move along the map daily.
Hang the map on your fridge and watch as Jesus makes His way to Jerusalem,
leading up to the joy of His resurrection!
Other freebies will be included as well!
We pray this Lenten season is your family's best one yet!
Vacation Bible School
June 2-5, 2025

Join us in June for our True North Vacation Bible School!
Plan now to bring your friends and have fun
Learning to Trust Jesus in a Wild World!
Plan now to bring your friends and have fun
Learning to Trust Jesus in a Wild World!
HNAZ Early Care
Providing care for infants through age 2 on Sunday mornings at 9:15am and 10:30am.
HNAZ Preschool
Age 3 through Kindergarten.
Sunday school meets every Sunday at 9:15am in room 104.
Join us in Preschool Praise for a great time of crafts, music, games, and learning all about Jesus at 10:30 every Sunday morning.
("Highway Side" Hallway)
Sunday school meets every Sunday at 9:15am in room 104.
Join us in Preschool Praise for a great time of crafts, music, games, and learning all about Jesus at 10:30 every Sunday morning.
("Highway Side" Hallway)
Elementary Kids in 1st-5th Grade.
Sunday school meets every Sunday at 9:15am. in Room 205
Elementary aged students in 1st - 5th grade are invited to join us upstairs in the HNAZ Kids room and be reminded that God has great things in store for them every Sunday at 10:30am.
Sunday school meets every Sunday at 9:15am. in Room 205
Elementary aged students in 1st - 5th grade are invited to join us upstairs in the HNAZ Kids room and be reminded that God has great things in store for them every Sunday at 10:30am.