November 24, 2024

On Christ the King Sunday (the last Sunday in the Christian Year) we will be celebrating the entirety of the Christian Year in one service.  If the Christian Year is new to you, here is a quick overview.  The Christian Year is a repeating yearlong calendar consisting of six seasons (or movements) that in its fullness tell the entire story of Christ.  In engaging with the Christian Year we are spiritually formed by recalling and entering into God's great saving events. This service will be more experiential than explained -- it will live out the story more than simply telling it.

Order of Worship


•the invitation to anticipate Christ's coming


"No Matter How Long it Takes"
with Isaiah's Prophecies:
First Candle | Isaiah 64:1-4
Bruce Evans
Second Candle | Isaiah 5-6a, 8-9
Marshall Watts
Third Candle  |  Isaiah 61:1-2a
Sarah Rainey
Fourth Candle  |  Isaiah 40:1-5
Crystal Ringer
The Announcement To Mary  |  Luke 1:26-33
Marti Evans
"O Come O Come Emmanuel"


•the invitation to celebrate Christ's presence on earth


The Christ Candle  |   Isaiah 9:6
Linda Gates

"Go Tell It On The Mountain"
with The Living Nativity:

The Holy Family:
Joseph: Hunter McCammon
 Mary: Marleigh Swaidner

The Shepherds & Sheep:
Madi: Shepherd
Adeline: Shepherd
Nora: Shepherd/Star
Roux: Sheep
Kollyns: Sheep
Cortlyn: Sheep

The Angels:
Everly: Angel
Audrey: Angel


•the invitation to wonder at Christ's work on earth


"God With Us"

Kid's Scripture Video

Magi From The East: Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11
The Baptism of Jesus: Matthew 3:13-17
The Wedding At Cana: John 2:1-11

The Transfiguration

Luke : 9 28-35 | Matthew 17: 6-9
Cindy Geders & Marti Evans
Moses: Bruce Evans
Elijah: Ron Carnes
Jesus: Marshall Watts
John: Crystal Ringer
James: Sarah Rainey
Peter: Linda Gates


•the invitation to reckon  our life with Christ's life and death


"Lord Have Mercy"
with Pastoral Prayer of Lament:
Scott Rainey
Confession and Assurance of Pardon:
Tyler Gates

"Glory to God"

Scripture Presentations:

Holy Week

The Triumphal Entry  |   John 12:12-19 
Ron Carnes
The Grove of Olive Trees  |  John 18:1-8, 16b-19
Crystal Ringer

Good Friday

Jesus Dies  |  John 19:17-18a, 28-30
Bruce Evans



•the invitation to triumph over death with Christ


Mark 16:1-6, John 20:1 
Linda Gates

Easter Call & Response: 
One: He is risen!
All: He is risen indeed!

"My Redeemer Lives"
"Because He Lives"


Acts 1:3-8 
Sarah Rainey
"He is Exalted"


"Great Are You Lord"
Acts 2:1-8 
Ron Carnes
"Spirit of the Living God"

Ordinary Time

•the invitation to commit to Christ through the Church

The Lord's Prayer

Tyler Gates

Eucharistic Prayer

Scott Rainey



"Christ Our King"

Benediction and Sending

Scott Rainey

A Special Thanks To. . .

Ronda Smelser  |  Altar Cloth Facilitator

Vonna McKinney | Director

Kevin Yarger & Trace Hewson | Kid Scripture Video Editers

 Alyssa Flanagin  |  Narrator of Kid's Scripture Videos

Nicole Finton | Photography

HNAZ KIDS | Epiphany Actors &  Live Nativity Members